The Cost of Shutting Down HR
With HR costing employers in the US nearly five trillion per year, many companies are anxious to cut back in times of economic uncertainty. Yet, data and research show these companies, in an effort to save money, could be making a fatal mistake.
Black History Month Community Highlights
There are an infinite number of ways to engage with Black History Month and honor the accomplishments of Black Americans, but we hope this article gives you a place to start when planning your celebrations for next February and beyond.
DEI Metrics You Should Be Tracking in 2023
Tracking DEI metrics allows companies to identify what they are doing right, what they need to work on, and how much progress they have made thus far. These essential insights can help identify areas for improvement and provide opportunities to track diversity and inclusion across the entire employee journey.
Reflecting as illoominus turns one
This week, we celebrate Illoominus’s first birthday and we’re excited to share our new visual identity!
Illoominus’s research featured in MIT Sloan Management Review
If you’re preparing for 2023 and/or revisiting progress on your DEI goals, here are key things we share:
▪️ Pitfalls to avoid when developing DEI goals and measuring progress
▪️ Importance of tracking representation across job type, position, and hierarchy
▪️ When benchmarking DEI across geographies, understand local context
▪️ Create intersectional dimensions to have a more holistic view of representation
▪️ Measure progress across the entire employee journey and leverage existing data from various HR systems that often don’t talk to each other
Illoominus welcomes Frank Zhang as Head of Product
Illoominus, which empowers leaders to activate and manage their organization’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategy through data, is thrilled to announce our new Head of Product, Frank Zhang.
Zhang, who previously worked in HR and Enterprise Platforms at ADP (NASDAQ: ADP) and Infor, has joined the Illoominus team to continue growing our platform.
Illoominus Named HR Tech Startup to Watch
Best of HR names Illoominus one of their HR Tech Startups to watch
Join Noelle on She Conquers Capital
Join Noelle London, CEO + Founder of Illoominus, as she joins Stefanie Diaz’s She Conquers Capital podcast.
Moving beyond a DEI Strategy on a shelf
As a leader, you made a commitment to your employees and customers following those events to create more representation within your organization. Your company's DEI strategy went up on your site, social media, and to your investors—ready for the world to see.
But moving from PowerPoint to reality can be difficult without the right support. Today, over two years after you made that promise, how much progress have you made on your DEI Strategy? There’s no time like the present to reactivate it if you’re stuck and get it off the shelf.